Year: 2020 | Client: Neebal Technologies | Industry: Education
Tools: Adobe XD,
Deliverables: Branding, Creative Strategy, Wireframes, Visual Design, Prototypes, Marketing Video.
Tools: Adobe XD,
Deliverables: Branding, Creative Strategy, Wireframes, Visual Design, Prototypes, Marketing Video.
Bloombench, a sub entity of Neebal Technologies and a well known brand in the edu-tech sector in India was looking for a revamp aligned and curated for its audience. The goal of the the brand was to inculcate values and inspire the young “dreamers & achievers” to start their journey in technology early.

Logo design
TThe project started with designing a logo and visual language for the website. The goal was to design a simple form with a good recall value. The target audience was parents and young adults.
TThe project started with designing a logo and visual language for the website. The goal was to design a simple form with a good recall value. The target audience was parents and young adults.

Responsive web design for desktop & mobileI developed a quick style guide as extention to the branding. I worked very closely with the stakeholders and product owner to define the content and the structure. Followed by working with frontend and backend engineers to deliver a responsive website.

Prototyping & development
Below a video for a quick prototype created for stake holders and ease of development.
Below a video for a quick prototype created for stake holders and ease of development.
Marketing video
I also worked very closely with script writers, illustrators and animators to deliver a marketing video to be used durind the launch of the new UI and future marketing purposes.
I also worked very closely with script writers, illustrators and animators to deliver a marketing video to be used durind the launch of the new UI and future marketing purposes.