Transforming child welfare case management

Year: 2010 | Client: Department of Health and Welfare | Industry: Public sector


Digitising the legacy process of inspection for onsite caseworkers


My Role: Senior Product Designer
Tools: Sketch, Invision, Windows Fluent Design System
Deliverables: Wireframes, Visual Design, Prototypes

User Painpoint

DHW needed a solution that would eliminate paper dependency and provide caseworkers with an efficient, digital alternative tailored for Windows Surface devices to address

  • Rising caseworker workload

  • Wasted significant time and effort

  • Increased the risk of data errors and inconsistencies

  • Created bottlenecks in the overall workflow

Business Goals

The department’s business goals for this engagement included:

  • Managing cases and delivering services more efficiently
  • Streamlining administrative processes
  • Meeting CCWIS standards
  • Improving the department’s effectiveness through data-driven decision-making

Proposed Solution

A user-centric inspection application was designed to address these pain points. The application enables caseworkers to
  • Streamline inspection workflows through real-time data entry.
  • Stay organized and prioritize tasks with a dashboard-centric interface.
  • Work effectively offline, ensuring no data is lost and syncing seamlessly when connectivity is restored.

Key Features


Displays upcoming, due, and pending inspections, helping caseworkers prioritize tasks.

Provider Summary

A detailed view of provider profiles and inspection history.

Inspection Checklist

Dynamic rules-based checklists with the ability to add notes and observations.

Offline Mode

Access to dashboards, provider data, and inspections without connectivity.
Automatic sync when back online.

Review of Injury

Generates a signed, final summary of the inspection details.


The solution delivered:

  • Significant efficiency improvement by eliminating manual data duplication.
  • Reliable offline functionality for uninterrupted fieldwork.
  • Reduced errors through real-time data entry.
  • Increased caseworker ability to focus on child well-being and family engagement
  • Optimized ongoing total cost of ownership (TCO)